quinta-feira, 25 de julho de 2013

The war you don`t see


The “Washington Consensus” for All Out War in Syria

Conflict drags on interminably. Dozens or more die daily. Syrian forces outmatch Western-backed death squad terrorists. They’re not rebels. They’re lawless invaders. They’re US proxy fighters. They’re imported from dozens of countries. They’re waging war against sovereign Syrian independence. Assad’s military outguns and outflanks Washington’s shock troops. Reinforcements keep coming. Libya 2.0 looks possible. Perhaps

Second Terrorist Offensive against Syria in the Works

Senior Intelligence Officials from Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, England, US, Frence and Jordan Meet Behind Closed Doors in Ankara.  According to a Fars News Agency report, senior intelligence officials from US-NATO and allied countries including the US, Britain, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Qatar met on June 7, behind closed door at the residence

Washington Is Driving The World To “The Final War”

“V For Vendetta,” a film that portrays evil in a futuristic England as a proxy for the evil that exists today in America, ends with the defeat of evil.  But this is a movie in which the hero has super powers.  If you have not seen this film, you should watch it. It might wake

Obama’s Nuclear Arms Reduction Hoax

Jack Kennedy was America’s last peace president. He underwent a spiritual transformation. He changed from cold warrior to peacemaker. He wanted nuclear weapons abolished. He urged “general and complete disarmament.” He wanted force-fed Pax Americana ended. He assumed great risk. Nearly all his top advisers disapproved. Pentagon commanders opposed him. So did most congressional members.

Open season on Syria: US makes public its military support for terrorists

After unproven accusations that the regime of Bashar al-Assad has used chemical weapons against the rebels, the Obama administration announced Thursday its involvement in the conflict in Syria to direct military assistance to the opposition. Military assistance has been provided by the Americans for a while now, but it was Thursday when the United States

America’s War and Syria’s Right to Defend itself against Foreign Aggression

Seventeenth century philosopher/political theorist/jurist Hugo Grotius perhaps helped inspire international law. In 1625, his “On The Law of War and Peace” said “Most Men assign three Just Causes of War, Defense, the Recovery of what’s our own, and Punishment.” War must be waged rightly to be just, he said. It must either  respond to “wrongs

Assad: We have received weapons from Russia

Syria has already received a first shipment of surface-to-air S-300 from Russia, has said President Bashar al-Assad in an interview with Lebanese television Al Manar TV, affiliated to the Shiite militia Hezbollah. Several Israeli officials have warned in recent days that they will not tolerate those missiles coming to Syria. The question until now was

Russia sending S-300 surface-to-air missiles to Syria

Russia and Israel are fighting their own war outside Syrian territory, which may soon change to an even more confrontational face off now that the European Union has decided to send weapons to the terrorists fighting against the Assad regime. As the United States and the EU prepare for yet another military invasion, Russia has

Mission Creep: Toward Full Scale War against Syria

On May 20, Secretary of State John Kerry headed back to the Middle East. It’s his fourth regional visit since January. On May 21, he met Oman’s Sultan Qaboos. An air defense system/weapons sale, Syria, and related issues were discussed. On May 22, he met with foreign ministers of 11 so-called Friends of Syria countries.

Israel Heads Closer to War on Syria

Syria is Washington’s war. Israel’s very much involved. It abhors peace and stability. Its history reflects belligerence. It’s a direct threat. It borders Syria. Both countries are longstanding imperial partners. The Israeli Lobby plays a key role. Orwell once said “(w)ho controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” Saving
Fonte: http://real-agenda.com/

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