domingo, 30 de março de 2014

Don`t panic, Organise!

Tetanus Vaccines Sterilizing Women In Kenya? Catholic Church There Raises Suspicions

Tetanus Vaccines Sterilizing Women In Kenya? Catholic Church There Raises Suspicions

A concerning new report from the head cardinal of the Catholic Church in Kenya alleges that a WHO/UNICEF sponsored tetanus vaccination campaign may conceal an agenda of forced contraception for over 2 million Kenyan women.

In a move that is garnering international attention, the head of the Catholic Church in Kenya has raised suspicions about the World Health Organization and UNICEF's tetanus vaccine campaign in their country, which is exclusively targeting over two million Kenyan women of children bearing age (14-49), to the exclusion of males and those younger who may be at higher risk from lethal harm from the tetanus infection.[i]
The vaccination campaign began in September of last year, is in the second of a planned three phases, and now covers 60 districts in that country. The final round is slated to begin in September of this year.
As reported on March 27th in the StandardDigital, John Cardinal Njue is alleged the WHO/UNICEF tetanus campaign has been uncharacteristically shrouded from public awareness relative to other national health initiatives that are preceded by a public launch where the public has an opportunity to ask questions. A news story filmed testimony of John Cardinal Njue voicing his concerns, which can be viewed here.
According to the StandardDigital report, the Catholic Health Commission of Kenya sent a statement to newsrooms on March the 26th alleging that there has not been adequate stakeholder engagement both in the preparation and implementation of the campaign.  The main questions the Church raised for discussion were:

1 - Is there a tetanus crisis on women of child-bearing age in Kenya? If this is so, why has it not been declared?

2- Why does the campaign target women of 14 - 49 years?

3- Why has the campaign left out young girls, boys and men even if they are all prone to tetanus?

4- In the midst of so many life-threatening diseases in Kenya, why has tetanus been prioritized?
Additionally, the statement read:
"Information in the public domain indicates that Tetanus Toxoid vaccine (TT) laced with Beta human chorionic gonadotropin (b-HCG) sub unit has been used in Philippines, Nicaragua and Mexico to vaccinate women against future pregnancy. Beta HCG sub unit is a hormone necessary for pregnancy"
The Church's concerns are not without legitimate basis in vaccine fact and history, with previous suspicions being raised over tetanus immunization campaigns in the underdeveloped world concealing a forced 'family planning' agenda.
Not only has a birth control vaccine been known to exist for over twenty years using tetanus toxoid as a carrier,[ii] but it was heralded in the mid-90's as "A new family planning tool to slow population growth." The development of a tetanus-based contraceptive vaccine began in 1975 by Dr. Gursaran Talwar, Director of India's National Institute of Immunology, and after $4.5 million of funding and 17 years later a working vaccine was created, whose mechanism of action has been described as follows:
"The vaccine works by "convincing" a woman's body that a11 is unchanged when, in fact, an egg has been fertilized.  After conception occurs, a woman produces a hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) that helps to prepare the uterus for pregnancy. The prototype vaccine, made from hCG coupled to a biochemical carrier, neutralizes hCG by stimulating antibodies against the hormone. Without hCG the embryo can't anchor in the uterus, making pregnancy impossible. The biochemical carrier makes the hCG immunologically visible to women's immune system." [Source]
Additionally, in 1995, a report published in Vaccine Weekly described the case of a priest, president of Human Life International based in Maryland, who petitioned Congress to investigate reports of women in developing countries, such as Mexico, the Philippines and in Nicaragua, receiving contraceptive tetanus vaccines laced with chorionic gonadotropin (b-HCG). The report stated that the anti-fertility vaccine was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), and other organizations including "UN Population Fund, the UN Development Programme, the World Bank, the Population Council, the Rockefeller Foundation, the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and Uppsala, Helsinki, and Ohio State universities."
While sparse safety research has been published on tetanus toxoid vaccines effectiveness and safety, especially when administered to pregnant women, the tetanus vaccine, when administered through the multi-antigen DTwP, which contains diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis antigens together, has been linked to a wide range of adverse health effects, including SIDS,[iii] increased infant mortality,[iv] [v]Gulliain-Barre Syndrome,[vi] and several dozen others health conditions. View the primary citations here: DTwP Vaccine Adverse Effects.
At this time, allegations that the tetanus toxoid vaccine used in Kenya may contain an anti-fertility substance has not resulted in the launch of an official investigation, nor even basic testing of suspect batches of vaccine. To the contrary, there is widespread denial of the relevance of the concern, which is often the case when the known adverse health effects of vaccines are discussed within the mainstream media or health organizations, the latter of have predicated their entire mission statements and policy-making decisions on the assumption that they are highly safe and effective a priori.
At the very least, given the established dangers and ongoing controversy associated with vaccinating pregnant women, and the well-know abortive properties associated with vaccines, especially in veterinary vaccines, a red flag of caution should be raised and critical inquiry as to what the real risks and benefits of this campaign in Kenyan women of child-bearing age really are.

[i] Talwar GP, Singh OM, Gupta SK, Hasnain SE, Pal R, Majumbar SS, Vrati S, Mukhopadhay A, Srinivasan J, Deshmukh U, et al. The HSD-hCG vaccine prevents pregnancy in women: feasibility study of a reversible safe contraceptive vaccine. Am J Reprod Immunol. 1997 Feb;37(2):153-60. PubMed PMID: 9083611.
[ii] G P Talwar, O Singh, R Pal, N Chatterjee, S N Upadhyay, C Kaushic, S Garg, R Kaur, M Singh, S Chandrasekhar. A birth control vaccine is on the horizon for family planning. Ann Med. 1993 Apr ;25(2):207-12. PMID: 7683889
[iv], DTwP and Infant to Mortality
[v] Mogens Helweg Claesson. Immunological Links to Nonspecific Effects of DTwP and BCG Vaccines on Infant Mortality. J Trop Med. 2011 ;2011:706304. Epub 2011 May 5. PMID:21760811

See moore:

Regular And Decaf Coffee Both Lower Diabetes Risk

Lots of studies have looked at the question of whether coffee drinkers are less likely to develop diabetes. The short answer is yes they are. 

But the question remains, why does coffee seem to lower diabetes risk? Is it the caffeine? 

Researchers from Harvard wanted to know the answer. They conducted a meta-analysis of 28 prospective studies of coffee with 1,109,272 participants. Follow-up ranged from 10 months to 20 years.

Their results published in the American Diabetes Association journal Diabetes Care confirmed that drinking coffee was inversely associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes. And it's dose dependent. The more you drink, the lower the risk. For one cup a day the relative risk dropped to 92%; for three cups a day, to 79%; and for six cups a day it dropped to 67%. 

But the researchers also concluded that it doesn't matter whether your coffee is decaf or high test. You get the benefits either way. That seems to indicate that it's not caffeine's impact on insulin levels that makes the difference. Instead, the researchers suggested that other compounds in coffee like polyphenols may be responsible for coffee's health benefits.

The results are consistent with an earlier prospective cohort study from Harvard researchersthat included 88,259 U.S. women from the Nurses' Health Study II. That study concluded that very high consumption was not required to realize coffee's health benefits. Their results suggested that drinking just two or more cups per day was associated with a lower diabetes risk.

Other research indicates drinking coffee kills pain, lifts mood, and sharpens the mind. Drinking decaf coffee may help reduce diabetes risk and bestow additional health benefits while avoiding some of the potential adverse effects of caffeine like the jitters and inability to sleep.

Caffeine is a form of natural pest control protecting the coffee plant from bugs with its bitter taste. A typical cup of regular coffee contains about 100 milligrams of caffeine.

You probably know by now that even coffee advertised as decaf contains caffeine. The general rule of thumb is that the decaffeination process removes from 94 to 99% of the caffeine. So you should expect your cup of decaf to provide one to six milligrams of caffeine per cup.

Although coffee is considered a psychoactive drug, it is not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. There's currently no requirement to disclose caffeine amounts in coffee or other products.

Coffee labeled or sold as "decaffeinated" may contain anywhere between 2 and 13 milligrams of caffeine. A tall decaf Starbucks can have up to 20 milligrams. So if you are particularly sensitive, beware.

For more information on coffee's health benefits, visit GreenMedInfo's coffee page.

Cientistas da Universidade John Moore de Liverpool clonaram com sucesso um dinossauro.

Cientistas da Universidade John Moore de Liverpool clonaram com sucesso um dinossauro, disse ontem um porta-voz da universidade. 

O dinossauro, um bebê Apatosaurus apelidado de "Mancha", está sendo incubado na Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade. Os cientistas extraíram DNA de fósseis preservados Apatosaurus, que estavam em exposição no museu da universidade de ciência natural. 

Uma vez que o DNA foi colhido, os cientistas injetaram em um útero de avestruz fértil. "Avestruzes compartilhar um monte de características genéticas com os dinossauros", disse Gerrard Jones, professor de biologia na LJMU e cientista líder do projeto. "As microestruturas de cascas são quase idênticos aos do Apatosaurus. É por isso que a clonagem funcionou tão perfeitamente. " 

Membros da comunidade científica dizem que a clonagem de dinossauros é a primeiro de seu tipo - é um marco para a engenharia genética. "Eu costumava pensar que esse tipo de coisa só poderia acontecer nos filmes", disse Gemma Sheridan, um professor de química LJMU. "Mas nós estamos fazendo isso acontecer aqui mesmo em nosso laboratório. É surpreendente. " 

A clonagem atraiu a atenção de uma grande variedade de ativistas dos direitos dos animais e grupos religiosos. Eles afirmam que a clonagem de animais é antiética e imoral. Craig Presidente da PETA e fazendeiro, criticou os cientistas desta realização e julga potencialmente fatal a ameaça de uma nova espécie. "Estes cientistas trouxeram um animal da idade jurássica de volta à vida - apenas para vê-lo sofrer", disse. 

Mas o Dr. Sheridan parece não estar incomodado por argúcias dos ativistas. Ele diz que as oportunidades oferecidas pela clonagem de dinossauros são infinitas. Dentro de dez anos, nós poderíamos repovoar o mundo com os dinossauros ", disse ele. No momento desta publicação, o dinossauro está em condição estável.
Os cientistas planeiam fazer mais testes sobre ele.


sexta-feira, 28 de março de 2014


Chemotherapy - A Cure Or A Poison

File:Chemotherapy bottles NCI.jpgThe word chemo means that chemical, it's a chemical medical care or a artificial substance medical care. therapy is employed nowadays in several of the treatments for cancer as a result of it targets speedily dividing cells among the body. Most varieties of cancer cells area unit speedily dividing cells however sadly there area unit several natural body cells that also are speedily dividing yet and that’s why therapy has facet effects.

Chemotherapy was discovered close to the tip of the last war when a ship that was carrying a poison gas, that was sulfur mustard was bombed and lots of of the sailors died from exposure to the gas. it had been found once autopsies were preformed that the speedily dividing cells of the sailors United Nations agency died had been affected. The association between the chemical and cancer was created knowing that almost all cancer cells also are speedily dividing. In 1946 the primary therapy agent was introduced and it had been known as chemical compound.

Now days there area unit several different therapy medicine in use, some employed in combination as oncologists try and get well results. they're all designed to focus on any foreign growths with the hope of killing the dangerous cells and going the body’s natural cells unhurt. sadly these medicine cannot and don't distinguish between smart cells and dangerous cells among the body and that’s why individuals lose their hair and suffer from nausea and puking {along with|along facet|in conjunction with|beside|at the side of|together with} different serious side effects. These chemicals additionally depress the body’s system that is our self repair system.

It is not tough to urge eliminate cancer; the matter is to prevent it returning or spreading as a result of that’s once it becomes life threatening. Cancer altogether cases could be a unwellness of a weak system therefore however will or not it's cured by a medical care that more weakens the immune system? individuals nowadays area unit dying not from the cancer however from the treatments, chemo destroys cells indiscriminately each smart ones and dangerous ones. It’s a poison and an upscale one.

There area unit several issues with introducing a remote substance among the body and there area unit some serious facet effects that almost all individuals aren't being created attentive to. as an example if somebody United Nations agency has undergone this treatment with therapy survives for long enough, they might or can develop freelance cancers that area unit an on the spot result from those earlier treatments. it's a proven fact that a lot of cancer could be a facet result of therapy.

For most patients, therapy represents a significant decrease in their quality of life as a result of the toxicity of most of the medicine used. Also, even for the common cancers wherever therapy will have a sway the particular survival advantages area unit measured in weeks or months, not years. additionally a number of the facet effects they expertise is life threatening.

There will ne'er be a miracle cure for cancer however there has forever been some way to beat the unwellness. As mentioned earlier it's a unwellness of the system altogether cases therefore wisdom ought to tell somebody that the key to living cancer is to concentrate on strengthening this technique.

Cancer has several natural cures however none of them involve swing a poison in your body. Treating cancer currently days could be a multi billion dollar trade and it’s booming. Look whose creating cash out of it. Researchers are sorting out a drug which will cure cancer for nearly forty years however they'll ne'er realize one. solely nature includes a cure which means that you've got to show to nature to resolve the matter.

Understanding cancer and aiming to the basis explanation for the matter makes rather more sense than employing a poison. a real cure for cancer has got to come back from among the body, not from somebody applying a chemical treatment from outside the body.



In 1971, President Richard Nixon declared War on Cancer. The chief weapon wielded in this new war was chemotherapy.

It is now 2004 and it is time to end this senseless war. The war is lost. It is a complete and utter failure with our weapon of choice killing little cancer with the hapless patient being the chief casualty in this war.

In 1972, according to the American Cancer Societies own figures, 33% of cancers had a five year survival rate. We should also point out that at that same time 33% of cancers went away on their own.

Today, according to the ACS, the five year survival rate for cancer has risen to 40%.

However, what they do not tell you is that The statistics are invalid because they combine data of both local and metastasized cancers; and that the comparisons are not randomized [Ulrich Abel, Advanced Epithelial Cancer", 1990 (no longer in print) ]

Cancers not factored into the original statistics are now factored in, such as skin cancers, many of which are not fatal and that the statistics are purposely inflated by including people with benign cancers.

Technology has helped us to find cancers earlier, thus the survival time from diagnosis to eventual death has lengthened.

They are now including in their stats non deadly skin cancers.

The war is lost. To the victors go the spoils. Somewhere there are yachts and million dollar homes purchased with the eighty plus billion spent on this war, but there is no cure.

According to Frank Wiewel, there are doctors today who make 1.5 million dollars just selling chemotherapy.

In 1988, Cecil’s Textbook of Medicine listed the most common cancers that responded well to chemotherapy:

Type of Cancer
Percent 5 Year Disease-free Survival
Choriocarcinoma (low-risk patients)
Burkitt's Lymphoma (Stage I)
Acute lymphocytic leukemia
Hodgkin's disease (stage III and IV)
Diffuse histiocytic lymphoma
Nodular mixed lymphoma
Testicular carcinoma (stage II-III)
Childhood sarcomas (w/ radiation & surgery)
Childhood lymphomas
Since then, some of these figures have improved. In fact, seminoma (testicular carcinoma originally, but now cancer of the seminal glands, hence seminoma), the one that Lance Armstrong beat, has an estimated 95% survival rate. Lance Armstrong is the greatest promotion the Pharmaceutical Industry has ever enjoyed.

However, and this is an important HOWEVER, Dr Ulrich Abel, who poured over thousands and thousands of cancer studies, published his shocking report in 1990 stating quite succinctly that chemotherapy has done nothing for 80% of all cancers; that 80% of chemotherapy administered was absolutely worthless.

The Emperor has no clothes.

Ulrich Abel was a German epidemiologist and biostatistician. In the eighties, he contacted over 350 medical centers around the world requesting them to furnish him with anything they had published on the subject of cancer. By the time he published his report and subsequent book (Chemotherapy of Advanced Epithelial Cancer, Stuttgart: Hippokrates Verlag GmbH, 1990) he knew more about chemotherapy than any person in existence.

His report, later reviewed by the German Magazine Der Spiegel in 1990 and summarized by Ralph Moss in an article entitled "Chemo's 'Berlin Wall' Crumbles" (Cancer Chronicles, Dec 1990, p.4), described chemotherapy as a “scientific wasteland” and that neither physician nor patient were willing to give it up even though there was no scientific evidence that it worked. [Note: we have just published a translation of Able's article in Der Spiegel here: A Dull Weapon.]
Success of most chemotherapies is appalling…There is no scientific evidence for its ability to extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancer… Chemotherapy for malignancies too advanced for surgery, which accounts for 80% of all cancers, is a scientific wasteland [Dr Uhlrich Abel, Chemotherapy of Advanced Epithelial Cancer, Stuttgart, 1990]
Dr Abel was immediately attacked by the cancer industry. They could not attack his science, so they attacked his character. This is a common tactic when the accused has science on his/her side.

If a person dies during a chemotherapy study, that information is NOT included in the write up because the patient did NOT complete the study.

History Repeats Itself

Here is an excerpt from an article at this site called The History of Medicine (1800 - 1850):

In France, a study on cancer, begun in 1843, had just been published. A physician of the French Academy of Science, Dr Leroy d’Etoilles, gathered together as many statistics as possible at that time from some 170 practitioners who had treated cancer. The reason for the study was to compare survival rates of those who elected to undergo the standard treatments for cancer against those who refused these treatments. According to Dr Naiman in her book Cancer Salves, the standard treatments consisted of surgery, caustics “such as nitric acid; sulfuric acid mixed with saffron; poisonous minerals such as lead, mercury, or arsenic nitrate; or alkaline caustics such as sulfate of zinc. Copper sulfate [mixed with borax], quicklime, or potassium permanganate were also used, evidently with mixed success.”

The conclusion of the study showed that those who avoided traditional cancer therapies outlived those who underwent them. Did this stop anyone from practicing these therapies? Perhaps, but for the most part, these treatment protocols continued on till the advent of Radium therapy that proved to be even more deadly than any previous protocol, but was highly recommended because it was a great money maker.

History, we are told, often repeats itself. A study presented to the American Cancer Society in the nineteen-eighties, concluded much the same as that study in France over a century earlier. Ellen Brown’s book, Forbidden Medicine gives us the following:

One of the few studies ... was conducted by Dr. Hardin Jones, professor of medical physics and physiology at the University of California, Berkeley. He told an ACS panel, "My studies have proven conclusively that untreated cancer victims actually live up to four times longer than treated individuals. For a typical type of cancer, people who refused treatment lived for an average of 12-1/2 years. Those who accepted surgery or other kinds of treatment [chemotherapy, radiation, cobalt] lived an average of only three years. . . . I attribute this to the traumatic effect of surgery on the body's natural defense mechanism. The body has a natural defense against every type of cancer.

Not Only is Chemo Ineffective...

By shrinking tumors, chemotherapy encourages stronger cancer cells to grow and multiply and become chemo resistant.

Then there are the new cancers caused by chemotherapy, or secondary cancers. This quaint side effect is often overlooked in the lists of side effects in a drug's accompanying literature, though you can find this information quite easily at the National Cancer Institute.

We pride ourselves in America for being technologically advanced and that our technology is rooted in a foundation of good science.

Wrong. When it comes to medicine, little at all is based upon science. Again we shall point to the Office of Technological Assessment’s paper: Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Medical Technologies in which we are told that fewer than 20% of all medical procedures have been tested, and that of those tested, half were tested badly.

Medicine in America is not about healing.

When you are diagnosed with cancer, you are suddenly worth $300,000.00 to the cancer industry.

Most telling, according to Ralph Moss in his book Questioning Chemotherapy, is that in a good number of surveys, chemotherapists have responded that they would neither recommend chemotherapy for their families nor would they use it themselves. One of our advisors, Dr Dan Harper, reported to us about an unpublished cohort study in which it was revealed that only 9% of oncologists took chemotherapy for their cancers.

Let’s hear from a couple of physicians and doctors who have not yet succumb to the heavy hand of the cancer industry:

" a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good." - Alan C Nixon, PhD, former president of the American Chemical Society.

Walter Last, writing in The Ecologist, reported recently: “After analysing cancer survival statistics for several decades, Dr Hardin Jones, Professor at the University of California, concluded “...patients are as well, or better off untreated." Jones’ disturbing assessment has never been refuted.

Professor Charles Mathe declared: “If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment centre. Cancer victims who live far from such centres have a chance.”

“Many medical oncologists recommend chemotherapy for virtually any tumor, with a hopefulness undiscouraged by almost invariable failure,” Albert Braverman MD 1991 Lancet 1991 337 p901 “Medical Oncology in the 90s.

“Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors,”  Allen Levin, MD UCSF The Healing of Cancer.

“Despite widespread use of chemotherapies, breast cancer mortality has not changed in the last 70 years,” Thomas Dao, MD NEJM Mar 1975 292 p 707.

Additionally, Irwin Bross, a biostatistician for the National Cancer Institute, discovered that many cancers that are benign (though thought to be malignant) and will not metastasize until they are hit with chemotherapy. In other words, he's found that many people who've been diagnosed with metastatic cancer did not have metastatic cancer until they got their chemotherapy. 

For many cancers, chemotherapy just does not improve your survival rate. Some of these are colorectal, gastric, pancreatic, bladder, breast, ovarian, cervical and corpus uteri, head and neck.

Knowing this, oncologists still recommend a regimen of chemotherapy.

Here are two stories we received from Frank Wiewel:

When President Reagan had his colon cancer successfully removed by surgery, his health was reported daily as he recovered. On his return to work, a spokesperson appeared, proclaimed him cured, and that was that.

However, very nearly every patient who undergoes surgery for colon cancer gets put on chemotherapy afterwards. Why not Present Reagan?

Frank told us of Dr Charles Simone, who today handles cancers with diet and lifestyle changes was hired on as the president’s personal oncologist. The public never learned of this because the good doctor, was stuffed into a grocery truck and made his entrance into the white house through the backdoor where deliveries are made.

Frank also told us of a time he met with some of the top oncologists in the country. He had a lot of questions for them, one of them being: “Knowing the odds of successful outcome using chemotherapy are nil in many cancer cases, why do you continue to prescribe chemotherapy?”

The answer he got was this: “We give it to patients so they won't give up hope and fall into the hands of quacks.”

Quacks? Implicit in the definition of quackery is the sale of worthless or dangerous nostrums for profit. Who exactly are the quacks here?

Just How Dangerous Is Chemotherapy?

This next piece is from the University of Iowa’s web site [Note: the pages have been expurgated from their web site, however, we have here the only copy. 3/31/07]:

Patients and caregivers shall be taught safe, proper, handling and disposal of waste generated during continuous infusions of chemotherapy.

The following procedures should be implemented immediately if a chemotherapy leak or spill should occur:

1. Put on a pair of disposable latex gloves.

2. If chemo has spilled on clothing, remove immediately and take a shower, scrubbing the exposed skin with soap and water. Watch for redness, blistering, or a burning sensation. Contact your nurse to report the spill. She will give you further instructions if necessary.

3. Remove any and all sharp objects, placing them into your sharps container or any can with a lid such as a coffee can.

4. Soak up the spill with an absorbent disposable material, such as paper towels.

5. Disinfect the spill area with soap and water or a household cleaner such as window cleaner, 409, alcohol, bleach, or liquid carpet cleaner.

6. Put the absorbent material and the gloves into a chemotherapy waste container or garbage bag and carefully mark it. It will be picked up later by the pharmacy personnel.

7. If a spill occurs on a patient's or caregiver's clothing or sheets, these articles should be washed separately from regular laundry in hot water.

8. If a spill occurs on unprotected furniture, the area should be scrubbed with soap and water and rinsed with clean water while wearing protective chemo safety gloves.

9. Patients and caregivers should be taught to use care when handling vomitus or excretions of the patient for 48 hours post treatment and to use good hand-washing technique.

The following link leads to a site where separate pages cover the separate steps involved in cleaning up a chemo spill. You’ll get a kick out of the special clothing required in these steps: Chemo Spills.

This next link shows the results of a chemo spill which occurred while administering chemotherapy to a patient with prostate cancer: Chemo Spill.

War is Hell

We’ve lost the war on cancer. As an ex-soldier, I’m aware what is required to win any war. You need dedicated soldiers, well trained and capable. You need the proper weapons. And, unlike our war in Iraq, you need a plan.

The war on cancer used the wrong weapons and, sadly,  its only plan was to profit. In this case, the war is very successful. Many have profited. In fact this is the first war in which the soldiers profited nearly as much as the arms manufacturers. The only casualties in this war are the patients, whose numbers grow daily.

Chemotherapy is not only deadly, in 80% of cancers it is fraud. Period.

To date, not a single non-toxic cancer drug has been approved by the FDA. [UPDATE: Because the FDA and Texas Board of Medical Examiners were unable to shut down Dr Burzynski's office and end his research, the FDA was cornered, and consented to allowed Dr Burzynski to conduct Phase II Trials on his therapy, antineoplastons. A drug, Buphenyl, that Dr Burzynski developed that is non toxic and causes the liver to create antineoplastons, has been approved and is now available through prescription.]

As Frank Wiewel tells people, "Ask your oncologist for a guarantee. See what he says."

Considering the six minutes HMOs schedule you to meet with your physician along with the studies showing that your physician spends 1.3 minutes answering your questions, pondering your options will have to take place outside your doctor’s office.

This is one reason why we publish articles like these. You need a second opinion.

References and Further Reading

Cancer Wars: How Politics Shapes What We Know and Don’t Know About Cancer by Robert N. Proctor (New York: Basic Books, 1995) 

World Without Cancer, by Edward G Grifin


Vaccines: Medicine or Attempted Murder? Medical researcher Ty Bollinger discusses the link between vaccines and cancer. He points to a number of things that are in vaccines and how toxic they are to the body. Is there a difference between a doctor and someone off the street putting toxins into your body? Listen to what he says!

Why Just Treating Symptoms Doesn't Work - Dr. Nan Lu discusses the importance of maintaining proper health instead of dealing with issues as they arise. Dr. Lu also discusses the problems that can come from just treating or masking symptoms, instead of dealing with the underlying issues.

Cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra discusses a number of foods that are damaging to your heart. He also explains what these foods do when inside your body that could be the biggest risk factor for heart trouble. It's probably not what you think but you should know about it!

Could this way of thinking actually be a better option than treating cancer the 'traditional way'? Dr. Michael Farley makes you think in this video and he has some questions you might want to ask the oncologist before starting treatment.

domingo, 23 de março de 2014

[ESTUDO] Toxina Bt (Bacillus thuringensis (Bt)) dos Transgênicos causa Anemia e Leucemia

Depois do estudo da equipe de Seralini, que mostrou como ratos alimentados com alimentos geneticamente modificados desenvolviam 3x mais tumores, um outro estudo publicado recentemente no Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases (Jornal de Hematologia e Doenças Tromboembólicas) indica que a toxina Bt manipulada pelo engenheiros genéticos, contida nos cereais e conhecida como Bacillus thuringensis (Bt), pode contribuir para anomalias do sangue, tais como anemia, câncer hemáticos malignos ou leucemia.

Um grupo de pesquisadores do Departamento de Genética e Morfologia do Instituto de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade de Brasília tem avaliado a toxicidade e a patogenicidade deste agente, uma vez que muito pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos nos organismos não-alvo da manipulação (por exemplo, os consumidores finais do produto manipulado).

Com o advento da tecnologia que recombina os genes que produzem esta toxina foram inseridos em plantas para uso comercial, entrando na normal cadeia alimentar. O estudo concluiu que a toxina Bt é capaz de induzir alterações nas células vermelhas do sangue, o que causa danos significativos, e que podem suprimir a proliferação da medula espinal, criando comportamentos anormais dos linfócitos compatíveis com a leucemia.

O estudo também constatou que:

- A toxina BT revela os seus efeitos prejudiciais mesmo quando estiver suspensa em água destilada e não necessita de alcalinização, como anteriormente era pensado.

- Que mesmo a menor dose testada (27 mg/kg) pode induzir anemia hipocrômica. A toxina foi detectada no sangue de mulheres não-grávidas, mulheres grávidas e nos fetos. No Canadá, uma contaminação provavelmente foi devida à exposição à comida (no Canadá também há grandes áreas cultivadas com transgênicos).

- a toxina parece acumular-se nos tecidos e persiste no meio ambiente.

- Altas doses desta toxina induzem alterações no sangue, um sinal de danos na medula óssea.

No entanto, apesar do crescente número de evidências acerca do perigo representado pelos transgênicos, os governos continuam a sofrer tremendas pressões das multinacionais de biotecnologia e raramente conseguem resistir.

Click paraceder ao estudo em pdf

[Avião da Malásia] 20 Passageiros Trabalhavam para Firma de Guerra Eletrônica e Radar Militar

DEVELOPMENT Freescale Semiconductor which had 20 workers on MH370 had just launched new radar chips

Uma empresa de tecnologia dos EUA, que tinha 20 importantes funcionários a bordo do Voo MH-370 da Malásia Airlines tinha acabado de lançar um novo dispositivo de guerra eletrônica para sistemas de radar militares nos dias que antecederam o desaparecimento do Boeing 777.

A Freescale Semiconductor, que produz poderosos microchips para indústrias, incluindo da defesa, divulgou os novos e poderosos produtos para o mercado americano em 3 de março.

Cinco dias mais tarde, o vôo MH370 decolou de Kuala Lumpur para Pequim, com 239 pessoas a bordo, incluindo 20 empregados da Freescale.

Doze eram da Malásia, enquanto oito eram cidadãos chineses.

O porta-voz da Freescale Mitch Haws disse: "Estas eram todas pessoas com muita experiência e formação técnica e eles eram pessoas muito importantes."

"É definitivamente uma perda para a empresa."

Os acionistas da Freescale incluem o Grupo Carlyle de investidores de private equity, cujos antigos conselheiros incluíram o ex-presidente americano George Bush pai e ex-primeiro-ministro britânico John Major.

Clientes peso-pesados ​​anteriores da Carlyle incluem a Binladin Group, a empresa de construção de propriedade da família de Osama bin Laden.

O fato de que Freescale tinha tantas pessoas altamente qualificadas a bordo do Boeing 777 já havia gerado teorias conspiratórias selvagens sobre o que poderia ter acontecido.

A companhia diz que seus empregados estavam voando para a China para melhorar suas operações de produtos de consumo, mas as ligações recentes da Freescale à tecnologia de guerra eletrônica é susceptível de desencadear mais especulação e aprofundar o mistério.

Especialistas ficaram perplexos como um grande avião de passageiros parece ter voado sem ser detectado, e possivelmente, enganado sistemas de radar militares por até seis horas.

Evitar radar através de "tecnologia de camuflagem" tem sido um dos objetivos da indústria de defesa e a Freescale tem estado ativa desenvolvendo microchips para radar militares.

Em seu site, a empresa diz que seus produtos de rádio freqüência atendem às exigências para aplicações em "aviação, radar, comunicações, de orientação de mísseis, guerra eletrônica e identificação amigo ou inimigo".

Em junho passado a empresa anunciou que estava criando uma equipe de especialistas dedicados à produção de "produtos de energia de frequência de rádio" para a indústria de defesa.

E em 3 de março, ela anunciou que estava liberando 11 desses novos dispositivos para uso em "alta freqüência, radar de VHF e UHF de banda baixa e comunicações de rádio."

A empresa não respondeu a perguntas do Express On-line, incluindo se qualquer dos seus empregados ausentes estava trabalhando em produtos de defesa.

Ela também não forneceu quaisquer respostas a mais recente bizarra teoria da conspiração sendo amplamente divulgado nas seções de comentários de sites de jornais e outros fóruns de internet.

O comentário diz:

Você já juntou o quebra-cabeça do desaparecimento do vôo 370 para Beijing? Se não, aqui estão as suas peças que faltam.

"Patentes Patentes patentes. Quatro dias após o MH370 vôo desaparecer uma patente é aprovada pelo Escritório de Patentes, quatro dos cinco titulares de patentes são funcionários chineses da Freescale Semiconductor de Austin TX.

A patente é dividido em 20 por cento, para incrementos de cinco titulares.

Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, ( 20 por cento ); Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, ( 20 por cento); Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, ( 20 por cento ); Li Ying, Suzhou, China, ( 20 por cento ); Freescale Semiconductor (20 por cento).

Se um detentor de uma patente morre, então os titulares restantes dividem igualmente os dividendos do falecido se não disputada em um testamento.

Se quatro dos cinco morrem, então o titular da patente restante fica a 100 por cento da riqueza da patente.

Este titular da patente vivo restante é a Freescale Semiconductor."

E acrescenta: "Aqui está o motivo para o desaparecimento do avião para Pequim. Pois todos os quatro membros chineses da patente eram passageiros do avião desaparecido.

Os detentores de patente podem alterar o procedimentos legalmente, passando a riqueza para seus herdeiros. No entanto, eles não podem fazê-lo até que a patente seja aprovada. Assim, quando o avião desapareceu, a patente não tinha ainda sido aprovado"No entanto, a teoria não fecha.

Embora a patente Freescale exista sob o número US8650327, nenhum dos nomes listados realmente aparecer na lista de passageiros liberado pelas autoridades malaias.Na verdade a patente que se refere os inúmeros fórums é a de número US8671381.

A busca continua pelo Voo MH-370 mas a especulação em torno de seu destino cresce a cada dia.

Alguns especialistas acreditam que o avião foi sequestrado, possivelmente pelos pilotos ou que houve uma luta a bordo o que levou a uma descompressão catastrófico.

No entanto, nenhuma almofada de assento ou bagagens, que se esperaria que flutuassem, ainda foram encontrados no vasto Oceano Índico, onde a aeronave poderia ter caído.