Why does the research need to be faked, altered, twisted and simply made up out of thin air? This is supposed to be research for disease control and the kind of diseases that spread easily among dense populations. The most ironic part of the whole discussion about vaccine safety and efficacy is that the people who argue about the advancement of science and virology are the very same people who get flu shots yearly and all of the scheduled vaccines, including booster shots, and they HAVE NOT EVER read the insert sheet that the nurse or doctor MUST show you -- that is, if you ask.
If vaccines work so well, then why do they have to print on the insert that "there have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL." People will argue with you vehemently to defend this nonsense. People think anything approved by the FDA or CDC is backed by evidence, but it's not, and they're even telling you in writing that it's NOT tested. Imagine arguing with some relative, coworker or friend over whether vaccines work or not, and the person arguing FOR vaccines and for flu shots had to read the insert -- the truth in writing straight from their "manufacturer" -- perhaps FLULAVAL. They admit on the insert, "Safety and effectiveness of FLULAVAL in pediatric patients have not been established." "Safety and effectiveness" have not been established. Really? Still, people have been brainwashed for decades. People have been scared to death, you could say literally, by some specific and rare cases of kids who got paralyzed by polio or died from measles or chickenpox. Yes, the diseases can be serious, but the propaganda makes it seem like the norm, and if you don't run to get all those vaccines (30 to 50) in your first 20 years of life, then you'll be SUSCEPTIBLE and probably infect "the herd" that's supposedly all immune already thanks to vaccines!
Formaldehyde is used to embalm dead people
Formaldehyde is listed on most flu shot and vaccine inserts. Formaldehyde is highly toxic to ALL animals, regardless of method of intake, whether eaten or injected. Period. Vaccine manufacturers use terms to trick people, saying formaldehyde is necessary to "weaken" the virus, but what they are doing is WEAKENING HUMANS. Make no mistake: Inject enough formaldehyde and mercury into babies and children in their first six years of lifeand you've got an autism and/or dementia epidemic. Formaldehyde is a "pickling" chemical used to preserve cadavers -- so toxic, it can cause blindness, brain damage and seizures.
Consider the dangers of formaldehyde and methanol BOTH entering the body. What happens when you get that formaldehyde from the flu shot in your muscle tissue and then eat food containing methanol? There's methanol in the food supply. Check diet foods/drinks with aspartame! Check that smoked fish and meat. Check cigarettes. The basic form of formaldehyde is a gas. The liquid is actually a mixture of water with formaldehyde gas. To prevent polymerization, they add methyl alcohol. The result is formalin. The terms . "The inhalation of formaldehyde gas in even small quantities is followed by bronchitis and pneumonia. Pneumonia is due to the inhalation of the gas and not to secondary infection. ... The injection of formalin or the inhalation of the vapors of formaldehyde produces cloudy swelling of the parenchyma of the kidney. Focal necrosis may result," reads a scientific article published in . "Pneumonia and bronchitis are found in all animals after the injection of formalin."
Thimerosal dangers are UNTESTED by the CDC, yet mercury is one of the most deadly toxins on planet Earth. Thimerosal, a form of mercury, is listed on most flu shot and vaccine inserts. Read it for yourself. The Health Ranger tested the flu vaccine for heavy metals and found 25,000 times higher mercury levels than the EPA's limit for water! Sorry, but putting THAT in vaccines is NOT disease prevention. Aluminum is also listed on most flu shot and vaccine inserts. Aluminum is also found in vaccines and is known to cause Alzheimer's disease. It's no wonder people have nervous system disorders and dementia.
What food is YOUR medicine, because all of this UNTESTED chemical medicine is an insane "shot in the dark!"
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