sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2015

Added sugars linked to risk of heart disease in teenagers

Although most people still believe that eating saturated fats and cholesterol is the greatest risk factor in developing heart disease, the real threat comes from refined sugars in the diet. A new study finds that even teenagers who consume too many added sugars in soft drinks and foods develop high cholesterol and may have higher risk of heart disease as adults.

The research, published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, followed 2,157 teenagers aged 12 to 18 as part of the National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES). The teenagers were consuming an average of 119 grams of added sugar daily which equates to over 28 teaspoons or 476 calories, and represented over 21 percent of their diet.

Researchers found that teens consuming the most added sugars (more than 30 percent of total calories) had lower levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL), the good cholesterol, and higher levels of both triglycerides and low density lipoproteins (LDL), the bad cholesterol.

"Added sugars" were defined by the researchers as any caloric sweeteners added to foods or beverages by the manufacturer during processing or by the consumer. According to the researchers, previous studies have indicated that the largest contributors of added sugars to the diet are sugary beverages such as sodas, fruit drinks, coffees and teas.

Teenagers with the highest levels of added sugar had good HDL cholesterol levels that were nine percent lower than those with the lowest sugar consumption. Their bad LDL levels were also nine percent higher. In addition, triglyceride levels of the highest users were 10 percent higher than those using the least amount of added sugars. Finally, overweight or obese adolescents with the highest levels of added sugar consumption showed increased signs of insulin resistance.

The researchers expressed the concern that with long-term exposure, the unfavorable cholesterol profiles of these adolescents would place them at risk for heart disease later in adulthood. Previous research had only focused on adults.

In 2009, the American Heart Association issued a new scientific statement recommending that women limit their intake of added sugars to 100 calories per day and that men limit their daily intake to 150 calories. That equates to a maximum of 6 to 9 teaspoons daily, at 16 calories per teaspoon.

Unfortunately, food labels don't let you know how many teaspoons of sugar you're eating. First of all, they measure everything in grams rather than teaspoons. Secondly, they don't tell you how many sugar grams are added to the product versus how many are naturally occurring as, for example, lactose in dairy products and fructose in products containing fruit. That problem won't be solved until the government changes food labeling laws to require specific disclosure of added sugars.

Each 4 grams of sugar on the label is one teaspoon, or 16 calories. So your maximum 6 to 9 teaspoons will be equivalent to 24 to 36 grams on a food label.

The researchers recommended that both adolescents and adults should use the nutrition labels on drinks and food to become familiar with the amount of sugar in them, and to replace sugar laden drinks with water to substantially reduce sugar and calories.


Junk food industry fights against consumers' right to know about added sugars in foods

(NaturalNews) Around 20 years ago, food labels were introduced to help Americans consume a healthier and more nutritious diet. Recently, the FDA looked at these labels and came up with a list of possible changes, which they felt were necessary to meet the needs of the American public and create more transparency regarding food.

Among these proposals, two are causing a lot of fuss throughout the whole junk food world. The FDA proposed to break the sugar level up into natural sugars and added sugars, and make the serving sizes better understandable.

At the moment, nutrition labels list the total amount of sugar, meaning naturally occurring sugars -- found in fruits -- combined with sugars that companies add after a product is made. A whopping 80 percent of all items found in grocery stores contain these added or hidden sugars.

While the American Heart Association recommends that women shouldn't consume more than 6 teaspoons of added sugars a day and men no more than 9, most Americans consume more than 22 teaspoons a day.

Why are these added sugars bad?Experts throughout the '80s and '90s blamed dietary fats for causing obesity, diabetes and higher rates of cardiovascular diseases. These days, however, doctors and nutritionist finally admit that they have been wrong. They came to the realization that not fat but sugar is the true enemy.

While our body needs sugar to feed our muscles and brain, when eaten in excess, these sugar molecules are converted into fat. This will not only cause obesity, but increases the risk of many dangerous diseases such as heart failure, diabetes, hypertension and cancer.

Natural and added sugars generally both contain the same molecules, glucose and fructose, but they are not quite the same thing. Natural sugars come in a healthy package. They add fibers, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and many other beneficial plant nutrients to your diet. Added sugars are just empty calories which will not give you any extra nutritional benefit.

Junk food industry goes madNext to adding the amount of added sugars, the FDA also wants to make it easier to understand the nutritional labels, which are often confusing for the public. While we all know, or can form an image in our head, how much 10 teaspoons of sugar in one can is, labels often state the amounts in grams, and they don't reflect the actual amount in the entire product.

The thought of making people actually realize how many spoons of added sugars or sugars-in-disguise, like high-fructose corn syrup, they put in their mouths, scares the foodindustry.

The FDA has received around 290,000 public comments and complaint letters. Many of these came from major food companies like Coca-Cola, Campbell Soup Company, Kellogg Co., Roman Meal Co. and the whole cranberry industry to name a few. Some came from governors, and the Australian government also raised its voice, stating that trade agreements may be at risk.

That's how big the concern and fear is.

One line will make a difference"That one line on a label seems like a small thing. But not having it covers up a very big fact that the food industry does not want people to know," said Deborah Bailin, an analyst at the Union of Concerned Scientists, in the LA Times.

With the growing community of health-conscious people, companies fear seeing their profit margins drop, as people are going to opt out of high-sugar foods, which are hiding in every corner of the food supply. From fruit juices and sodas to baked goods, dairy and pre-made meals. They even found sugar in turkey!

The added sugar label war is far from over. Let's hope that they look past the heaps of money. Let's hope that, just for once, they start to think about our health and happiness, and make these revised food labels happen. They still won't tell the whole story, but at least it is a step in the right direction.


domingo, 15 de março de 2015

Corpo são mente sã

Neuroscientists have discovered how chronic stress and cortisol can damage the brain. A new study reconfirms the importance of maintaining healthy brain structure and connectivity by reducing chronic stress.

Neuroscientists at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that chronic stress triggers long-term changes in brain structure and function. Their findings(link is external) might explain why young people who are exposed to chronic stress early in life are prone to mental problems such as anxiety and mood disorders later in life, as well as learning difficulties.

It has long been established that stress-related illnesses, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) trigger changes in brain structure, including differences in the volume of gray matter versus white matter, as well as the and size and connectivity of the amygdala. However, researchers are just beginning to understand exactly how chronic stress creates long-lasting changes in brain structure which affect how the brain functions.

In a series of revolutionary experiments, Daniela Kaufer, UC Berkeley associate professor of integrative biology, and her colleagues, discovered that chronic stress and elevated levels of cortisol can generate more overproduction of myelin-producing cells and fewer neurons than normal. Kaufer et al published their findings(link is external) in the February 11, 2014 issue of the journal Molecular Psychiatry.

Chronic Stress Changes Neural Networks 

The "gray matter" of the brain is densely packed with nerve cell bodies and is responsible for the brain's higher functions, such as thinking, computing, and decision-making. But gray matter is only half of the brain matter inside our heads—the other half of brain volume is called white matter.

White matter(link is external) is comprised of axons, which create a network of fibers that interconnect neurons and creates a communications network between brain regions. White matter gets its name from the white, fatty myelin sheath that surrounds the axons and speeds the flow of electrical signals between neurons and brain regions.

“We studied only one part of the brain, the hippocampus, but our findings could provide insight into how white matter is changing in conditions such asschizophrenia, autism, depression,suicide, ADHD and PTSD,” Kaufer said. The hippocampus regulates memory and emotions, and plays a role in various emotional disorders and has been known to shrink under extended periods of acute stress.

The researchers found that hardening wires, may be at the heart of the hyper-connected circuits associated with prolonged stress. This results in an excess of myelin—and too much white matter—in some areas of the brain. Ideally, the brain likes to trim the fat of excess wiring through neural pruning in order to maintain efficiency and streamlined communication within the brain.

Cortisol Can Trigger Stem Cells to Malfunction

The ‘stress hormone’ cortisol is believed to create a domino effect that hard-wires pathways between the hippocampus and amygdala in a way that might create a vicious cycle by creating a brain that becomes predisposed to be in a constant state of fight-or-flight. 

Chronic stress has the ability to flip a switch in stem cells that turns them into a type of cell that inhibits connections to the prefrontal cortex, which would improve learning and memory, but lays down durable scaffolding linked to anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Kaufer’s lab focused on neural stem cells in the hippocampus of the brains of adult rats under acute or chronic stress. These stem cells were previously thought to mature only into neurons or a type of glial cell called an astrocyte.

However, the researchers found that chronic stress made stem cells in the hippocampus mature into another type of glial cell called an oligodendrocyte, which produces the myelin that sheaths nerve cells.

The finding suggests a key role for oligodendrocytes in long-term and perhaps permanent changes in the brain that could set the stage for later mental problems. Chronic stress decreases the number of stem cells that mature into neurons and might provide an explanation for how chronic stress also affects learning and memory, according to the researchers.

“Usually the brain doesn’t make much oligodendrocytes in adulthood from those neural stem cells,” according to Kaufer. In fact, a recent study suggested these cells were incapable of producing oligodendrocytes, which are somewhat like a vine spreading out and wrapping around axons, both insulating and supporting them.

Rats who have high levels of cortisol and chronic stress had fewer neurons overall but a big increase in oligodendrocytes. By blocking the equivalent of cortisol receptors, the researchers discovered the process was tied to the stress hormone. “This was absolutely not what we were expecting to find,” Kaufer said. “But those are always the best discoveries.”

Although this sheath is vital to human brains—myelin formation can be good or bad, depending on time or place, according to Kaufer. This excessive sheathing may have evolved to bolster the connection between the amygdala and hippocampus, which would improve fight-or-flight responses during extended periods of threat or attack… Unfortunately, in a modern world, chronic stress can hijack the fight-or-flight system and backfire in a daily life in which you are not in physical danger.

Conclusion: Plasticity Makes it Possible to “Sculpt” Your Brain Throughout a Lifespan

Regular physical ACTIVITY andmindfulness meditation are two effective ways to reduce stress and lower cortisol. Although this study doesn’t focus on the benefits of reducing cortisol, other research suggests that making lifestyle choices that reduce stress and lower cortisol can improve brain structure and connectivity.

For 5 simple ways to lower cortisol without drugs check out my Psychology Today blog, “Cortisol: Why “The Stress Hormone” Is Public Enemy No. 1.

Daniela Kaufer is now conducting experiments to determine how stress in infancy affects the brain’s white matter, and whether chronic early-life stress decreases resilience later in life. She also is looking at the effects of therapies, ranging from exercise to antidepressantdrugs, that reduce the impact of stress and stress hormones.

Kaufer concludes that moderate or ‘good stress’—such as studying hard for an exam or training to compete in the Olympic Games—can build stronger circuitry and a more resilient brain. But acute, prolonged chronic stress wreaks havoc. “You’re creating a brain that’s either resilient or very vulnerable to mental disease, based on the patterning of white matter you get early in life,” said Kaufer.

That said, the structure of your brain is constantly undergoing changes through plasticity. Mindset, behavior, and chronic stress are never fixed. The power of neuroplasticity makes it possible to change brain structure and function throughout your lifespan. You can consciously make daily choices of mindset and behavior that will improve the structure and connectivity of your brain.

Flúor é veneno!!!

Harvard publica Estudo relatando que o Flúor (Neurotoxina) intoxica o cérebro e reduz o QI

Tradução de José Carlos Brasil Peixoto*
Nova York, 24 de julho de 2012 / PRNewswire / USNewswire/- Uma revisão realizada por pesquisadores da Universidade de Harvard sobre estudos da relação flúor / cérebro conclui que “os resultados reforçam a possibilidade de efeitos adversos da exposição ao fluoreto sobre o neurodesenvolvimento das crianças”.

“Foi publicado online em 20 de julho no Environmental Health Perspectives, um jornal do Instituto Nacional de Ciências de Saúde Ambiental dos EUA” (1), relata a Coalizão NYS Contra à Fluoração, Inc. (NYSCOF)“As crianças em áreas de elevada taxa de flúor tem QI significativamente mais baixo do que aqueles que vivem em áreas com baixo teor de flúor”, escreveram Choi et al.
Além disso, o EPA (Agência de Proteção ao Meio Ambiente dos EEUU) diz que o flúor é uma substância química “com provas substanciais de neurotoxicidade ao desenvolvimento”. O flúor (usualmente na forma de ácido fluorsilícico) é adicionado à água de abastecimento dos Estados Unidos em aproximadamente uma parte por milhão para combater a cárie dentária.
A água foi única fonte de flúor dos estudos revistos que basearam-se nos níveis mais elevados de fluoreto na água. No entanto, eles apontam uma pesquisa de Ding (2011) que sugere quemesmo níveis mais baixos de flúor na água tiveram significativas associações negativas com a inteligência em crianças.
Choi et al escreveram: “Apesar do flúor poder causar neurotoxicidade em modelos animais e a intoxicação aguda pelo flúor causar neurotoxicidade em adultos, muito pouco se sabe sobre seus efeitos no desenvolvimento neurológico das crianças. Eles recomendam mais pesquisas sobre o tema cérebro / flúor em crianças e nos níveis de doses individuais”.

“É absurdo manter nossos filhos se sujeitando a esse experimento em curso de fluoretação para satisfazer a agenda política de grupos de interesses especiais”, diz o advogado Paulo Beeber, presidente do NYSCOF. “Mesmo que a fluoretação reduza cavidades dentárias, seria a saúde dentária mais importante do que a saúde do cérebro? É hora de colocar a política de lado e parar com a fluoretação artificial em qualquer  lugar”, diz Beeber.
Depois de analisar os dados toxicológicos de flúor, o NRC relatou em 2006: “É evidente que os fluoretos têm a capacidade de interferir com as funções do cérebro.” A equipe de Choiescreve: “O flúor atravessa facilmente a placenta. A exposição ao flúor na fase de desenvolvimento do cérebro, que é muito mais suscetível a lesões causadas por substâncias tóxicas do que um cérebro maduro, pode eventualmente levar a danos de natureza permanente.”
O flúor acumula-se no corpo. Mesmo doses baixas são prejudiciais aos bebês, à  tireoide, aos pacientes renais e aos que bebem muita água. Há ainda dúvidas sobre a eficácia da fluoretação (2). A legislação de New York City está pendente na paralisação da fluoretação. Muitas comunidades já o fizeram.
As fórmulas infantis quando misturadas com água fluoretada oferece 100 a 200 vezes mais flúor do que o leite materno. (3)
Mais informações sobre o impacto do fluoreto no cérebro clique aqui.
Contact: Paul Beeber, JD | 516-433-8882 |
Fonte: NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.
Artigo original da Reuters neste link.

Sobre o crime de Fluoretação da Água de Abastecimentoclique aqui.
*José Carlos Brasil Peixoto é médico homeopata, especializado no tratamento dos transtornos da pós-menopausa com hormônios bioidênticos. Atua em Porto Alegre-RS | Site: | e-mail:

sábado, 14 de março de 2015

Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water (Particularly in the Morning)

A glass of lemon water to start your day can help keep the doctor away. Why do I say that? According to Hippocrates “All disease begin in the gut”, and modern research has also concluded that an unhealthy gut environment impacts the immune system and leads to a myriad of diseases.

Drinking vitamin C rich lemon water (especially first thing in the morning) helps your gut by stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid, a critical ingredient needed by our stomach to digest and expel waste. Lemon is known to neutralize free-radicals in our body, and helps greatly in balancing our body’s pH levels (more on that below). And there are more benefits that I want to share with you too.

As recently as a few years ago, I would start my day by drinking a cup of coffee to “wake myself up”. It was a habit that lasted around 7 years until I replaced coffee with juice this year. I have to admit, I still drink coffee but only on occasion when I’m with friends, but it is nowhere near the amount I was drinking before.

Why Drink Lemon Water?

Overall, this little yellow fruit packs a lot of nutritional punch. It is rich in antioxidants that will neutralize free radicals from oxidizing cells and it stimulates our digestive system to flush out toxins from the body.

The biggest benefit in my book is the very low sugar levels. According to ThePaleoDiet, per 100 grams it only has 0.2 grams of fructose and 0.2 of glucose which makes this fruit suitable for almost anyone looking for a quick nutritional boost every morning.

Here’s the nutrition you’ll get from 100 grams of lemon juice:
Lemon is rich in electrolytes and an be used alone or in combination with apple and celery to as a post-workout recovery drink. This recipe includes lemon, lime, water, sea salt, and honey/natural sugar and provides a safer, more affordable alternative to commercial “energy drinks”.

One thing people don’t realize when they workout is that their body becomes very acidic after an intense workout. Lemon is a great neutralizer of that high acidity inside your body. [1]

Tip: You can also replenish loss fluids during workouts by drinking lemon water instead of just plain water to improve muscle endurance (particularly for running).

Alkalizes the Body, Helps Maintain pH

Nutritionists like Gareth Edwards say that has a great alkalizing effect on the body because “minerals in it disassociate to make it alkaline” as it gets absorbed by the body.

Here’s a video explaining this in detail…

Even though lemon is acidic itself, when it enters the bloodstream “the alkalizing salts override the presence of acids” during the metabolic processes that happens when it enters the bloodstream. [2]

When our body becomes more acidic, it is more prone to disease. A great way of balancing pH levels is drinking water infused with fresh lemon juice to alkalize the body and lowering acidity levels. [5]

Tip: Avoid adding honey, maple syrup or any type of sweetener because doing so will just have the opposite effect which is to raise the body’s acidity levels.

Asthma Treatment

Lemon has been listed in countless home remedies lists as one of the best natural treatments for asthma that’s because it is rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that fights free radicals which causes smooth muscle contraction and airway constriction, both symptoms of asthma. It also helps clear out mucus from air vessels. [3]

Tip: Don’t just rely on lemon for treatment, if your doctor prescribes an inhaler by all means use it just in case you have asthma attacks. Lemon is only meant to provide you with the dietary supplement you need to fight this condition.

Balances Blood Sugar Levels

Lemon is rich in bioflavonoids which give this fruit its yellow color. This same compound also naturally stimulates the production of insulin in our body which in turn balances our blood sugar levels. [4]

Tip: If you juice try using lemon as the only sweetener in your recipes, it has very little sugar and calories. It takes takes a little bit to get used to but the results will be well worth it. If it’s too bitter or sour, add one apple to the mix.

Brain Food

This little yellow fruit is rich in potassium which is considered brain food. [6]

Caffeine Replacement

Lemon is a natural energy booster, even more so if you add honey to it. I’ve said earlier in this article that I was a chain coffee drinker, and I’ve replaced it lemon water with no regrets whatsoever. [7]


The citric acid present in lemon helps flush toxins from the colon, gallbladder and liver that otherwise would be absorbed by the body. The best effect can be had by drinking this first thing in the morning before any meals. [8]

Dissolves Phlegm

Citric acid present in lemon will help dissolve phlegm. In addition to that it is rich in antioxidants like Vitamin C and K that help fight off cough and colds.

The traditional concoction involves combining lemon with warm water and honey. Warm water in a way sooths irritation (at the same time is a decongestant) caused by cough. William Sears says that honey is a very effective at dissolving phlegm, more effective than cough syrups. [9]

Tip: Remember that if your cough does not improve a few days after drinking this mixture, consult a physician and take proper medication. This only serves as a natural first aid alternative.

Fights Cancer Cells

Remember about the compound Bioflavonoids I was talking about earlier, it turns out that this also works as an antioxidant that fights cell oxidation and free radical damage which are the main culprits of cancer. Theresa Chung who wrote “The Lemon Juice Diet” went as far as saying that it can help prevent cancer. It also contains pectin that according to Vijaya Kumar have been known to protect the intestines from cancer.

Heart Food

Potassium found in lemon is vital for the function of our heart, it does not treat any ailment but it helps in preventing heart related illnesses like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and irregular heartbeat.

Helps Hydrate the Lymphatic System

According to Dr. John Douillard, the lymph system largest circulatory system in our body, twice as large as the arterial system, it is responsible for flushing out waste and toxins out of our system. Keeping it hydrated is important to our overall health.

Actually, water alone is enough to hydrate the lymph system but I added lemon here because it helps in alkalizing thus balancing acidity levels.

Helps Relieve Constipation

This combo is great as a home remedy for constipation. Water helps lubricate the digestive system and soften stool. Citric acid found in lemon induces bowel movement that will flush out undigested waste from the colon. [10]

Helps Treat Scurvy

Scurvy for those who don’t know is a disease that is a direct result of vitamin C deficiency. Sailors are most prone to this disease because of their extended mission trips on sea that often outlast their produce supply. Lemon water is the treatment of choice for this ailment because it is rich in vitamin C. Water is great as masking the sharp flavor thus allowing them to drink this concoction in large amounts.

Supports Digestive Health

A cup of warm water before any meal in the morning will help break down waste and flush out to toxins from the gut. That’s because at a molecular level, lemon is similar to your saliva that encourages the liver to produce bile – a fluid needed by our intestines to dispose waste and toxins. [11]

Tip: Warm lemon water should be the first thing that goes in your stomach in the morning, before having breakfast or any other liquid.

Helps Prevent Eyesight Degeneration

Being rich in vitamin C also has a positive effect on your eyesight as this will help prevent eye conditions like macular degeneration and cataract. [12]

It also contains a tiny bit of vitamin A (1% per 244 grams), another key nutrient for good vision.

Supports the Immune System

Lemons are rich in nutrients like bioflavonoids, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, citric acid, folate and pectin that boost our body’s immune system and immobilize free radicals (the cause of many ailments).

18. Increases Metabolism and Promotes Weight Loss

It is a little known fact that drinking 8 glasses of water (8 ounces per glass) each day actually boosts your metabolism or how much your body burns calories by 30%. This is based on a study done by Michael Boschmann of the Franz Volhard Research Center. Lemon adds some flavor to water which will help you drink more plus it has pectin which suppresses appetite. [13]

Tip: Most of the pectin and dietary fiber is found in the white pity part under the skin, make sure to eat this as well.

Helps Keep the Body Hydrated

If drinking pure water is a chore for you, consider adding a few slices of lemon in there to add a bit of flavor and sharpness to it. It’ll help hydrate your body and replenish lost vitamin and minerals you lose when you get stressed. [14]

Kills Free Radicals

Per 100grams of lemon juice, you’ll get 77% of your daily vitamin C requirements which is known toneutralize free radicals in our body.

Kills Worms

Parasites like worms thrive in an acidic environment. Drinking lemon mixed in water helps in flushing them out.

Lowers High Blood Pressure

Citrus fruits like lemon are rich in vitamin C that helps in thinning the blood, in addition to its antioxidant properties. Another mineral found in this fruit that helps lower blood pressure is potassium that flushes out excess sodium. [15]

Tip: if you suffer high blood pressure it is important that you keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. A lack of water in the body tells your system to go into preservation mode, which means it will hang on to every last drop of water your body has, the effect of which is the thickening of the blood – another cause of high blood pressure.

Lowers Stress Levels

One thing that gets depleted when you’re stressed is vitamin C so the next time your stress levels go up, take a break and replenish that lost vitamin C with a cup of warm lemon water. [16]

Helps Prevent Bad Breath

It helps two ways here. First by killing the bad-breath-causing bacteria in your mouth and second, by flushing away toxins in your liver that when overworked releases bad smelling substances to the bloodstream, lungs then out the mouth. [17]

Radiant Skin

Its antioxidant properties help you get more radiant skin from the inside out by repairing damaged cells, flushing out toxins and killing free radicals that can ruin our skin. [18]

Reduces Uric Acid and Inflammation

Lemon is rich in potassium and citrate that prevent the crystallization and buildup of uric acid inside the body which also causes swelling. Since it is a diuretic it will help flush out excess fluid from the body and that includes the uric acid thus reducing inflammation. [19] Inflammation is associated with a range of common diseases.

Tip: To get the maximum benefit, drink a glass after every meal and avoid adding any sweeteners in there like honey because this is a byproduct of fructose metabolism. [20]

Treats Kidney Stones (and Prevent It)

Dr. Hoffman said in this article that the citrate present in lemon help inhibit oxalate crystals from forming, one of the most common kidney stones. He recommends mixing 4 ounces of lemon juice to two liters of water to increase urinary citrate levels. Oh, avoid adding any sugar or honey for the maximum benefit.

Helps Prevent Urinary Tract Infection

My wife has had her battles with UTI and a recent bout with it left her weak and unable to work for almost a week. Her friend’s sister had it much worst; the UTI she had led to septic shock which almost took her life – but fortunately she was able to overcome it.

Studies have shown that lemon has antiseptic properties that prevent sepsis – a condition when left untreated may lead to septic shock. If you have UTI, drink lots of water to flush out toxins and facilitate the healing process. Lemon juice is a natural antibiotic that kill the bacteria inside the bladder and urethra so adding this to water will help in naturally relieving the pain. [21][22]

Your Liver Will Love It

Vitamin C, which is abundant in lemon, is needed by our body to produce glutathione which is needed to detoxify the liver. Also its antiseptic properties stimulate the liver in flushing out uric acid and other impurities. [23] Consult your health professional first if you have a serious liver complaint.

Some Handy Tips

General use

The best time to drink lemon water would be in the morning 15 to 30 minutes before having any type of meal because your body will be able to absorb more nutrients on an empty stomach.

Avoid any type of bottled/concentrated lemon juice as these are already pasteurized and contain artificial sweeteners that we don’t want. Remember adding sugar to a citrus fruit raises the body’s pH level. Using fresh lemon is always the best.

I’ve read some articles that go as far as saying to drink this even before brushing your teeth, I say that’s going overboard but it’s worth a shot.

Lifehack recommends that you use half a lemon if you weigh 150 pounds or less and a whole lemon if you weigh over 150 pounds.

You can use a straw to drink this since the acids found in lemon can eat away at the teeth’s protective enamel coating.

You could follow up with a glass of water to wash away those acids.

Looking to add more lemon to your diet?

You could squeeze lemon on meat, seafood or salad dishes to add a contrasting flavor to these dishes

Add lemon zest on drinks or desserts

It could be used as a base for cakes, cookies and other desserts

Sweeten it up, naturally

The most straightforward recipe would be squeezing half-a-lemon on a glass of warm water but if you think this is too sour for your taste, sweeten it up a bit by adding a teaspoon or two of pure honey. You can do this not only for added flavor but also to help you…

Pick up your energy level (by adding calories) – If you’re drained by 2 in the afternoon, trying drinking lemon water with honey. It helps in boosting energy levels because both of these ingredients are natural energy boosters. This certainly beats drinking artificial energy drinks like Red Bull.

Treat sore throat – This combination works well together in treating a sore throat. Lemon helps dissolve mucus and lemon acts as a lubricant that coats the backside of your throat providing some relief, plus the natural vitamin c aids the immune system.

Treat coughs – This is my personal home remedy for when I have cough. I’ll mix in honey plus half a lemon in a mug of hot water and will feel relieved afterwards. According to the Mayo Clinic, honey contains dextromethorphan, an ingredient found in over-the-counter cough medications, which works well as a home remedy to suppress coughs and sore throat.

Please note: Adding honey (or any type of sugar for that matter) to lemon water could turn it into an acidic concoction that could lower your body’s pH levels. According to Ross Bridgeford (the alkaline diet advocate) if your body’s pH levels go down, the red blood cells turn into mold, bacteria and yeast which in turn excrete acid waste. In short, sugar, whether it be honey or processed sugar combined with citrus makes the body highly acidic – a breeding ground for a lot of ailments.
Hot or cold?

As much as I’d like to drink it hot in the morning to wake up my senses, a lot of nutritionists and health experts say that you should only use lukewarm water because boiling water may kill the enzymes and cold water may disrupt the digestive benefits, causing your body to use more energy to absorb and heat the water, as compared to absorbing lukewarm or body-temperature water.

The only time I would recommend you drink it hot would be if you want to relieve constipation, nausea and heartburn.

Don’t throw away the skin

Don’t throw away the skin as it is a rich source of nutrients like potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin A and C, calcium, beta carotene and iron. It is known to be a great anti-cancer agent because it flushes away carcinogenic stuff from our body.

You could eat the skin but I’d prefer to grate it on your desserts, food or drinks. It will all boil down on your preference. Remember if you’re planning on eating the skin make sure that you are using organic, that way you don’t have to worry about pesticides going into your system.

But.. Avoid eating the rind if you have kidney or gallbladder stones avoid eating the skin as it contains high amounts of oxalates that can crystalize and become stones.
How to prepare?

You can do what I do and squeeze it on a cup of warm water but that’s messy and you’ll need to exert some effort. To get more juice out of lemon, you could use an old fashioned reamer or a juicer.

Another way to prepare lemon water is chopping them off in slices and soaking them in a pitcher of water. This will help add to the flavor of water and help you drink more. Just make sure to wash it thoroughly and scrub the rind.

If possible, avoid using the microwave

I’d avoid using the microwave to heat this because of the radiation that could possibly kill the nutrients in this drink, if possible use a thermos and fill up 3/4’s of the cup with water (at room temp) and the other 1/4 with hot water, that should do the trick. If you need to use the microwave cover the cup with a small ceramic (not plastic) plate so it shields the drink from radiation
Can pregnant women drink this?

Dietitian Julie Redfern says that drinking lemon water can provide some relief from dizziness, headaches, endema, and cramps. The American Pregnancy Association says that even lemon scent helps provide relief to morning sickness. Only avoid this when you have allergies to citrus or if you have ulcer. Make sure to consult with your gynecologist before making any diet changes during pregnancy.

Finally, avoid lemon if…

Avoid lemon juice if you have an ulcer, or if you’re by chance allergic to lemons.

It would be best to consult your health care professional before regularly consuming lemon water if you think you may have an ulcer, allergy, or any other serious medical condition.
The Bottom Line

The bottom line is, drinking lemon water promotes healing and improves our health.

This fruit from the rind all the way to its juices is a rich source of nutrients, antioxidants and enzymes that help flush out toxins, prevent diseases and promote healing in our bodies. Adding this drink to your diet will do a great deal in balancing your body’s pH levels that prevents it from being too acidic. It’s in an acidic environment where bacteria, parasites and cancer cells tend to thrive.

Remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to keep your body hydrated.

Article sources:

About the author:

Garrick Dee is the man behind Juicing With G, a site he created to share the juice recipes he’s tried and experimented with, and help other new juicers to get juicing!

Less than inspired by his health-conscious mom’s apple/celery juice concoctions, Garrick used to eat a diet of junk food… until a health issue forced him to limit his junk food intake. At this time, he still hated juicing and relied on pharmaceutical medications rather than healthy choices. But this decision ultimately affected the health of Garrick’s liver.

Now Garrick has a different perspective. Married with a son, he watches what he eat for his family’s sake. Still not fond of celery juice (“yuck!”) Garrick started Juicing With G to document and share his recipes and his research as a reluctant juicer on a mission to find the perfect health blends for the taste-conscious.

You can connect with Garrick at or

Please note: this article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treament.