sexta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2015

Five major signs of a magnesium deficiency

(NaturalNews) Magnesium is an essential macromineral that performs a huge number of important roles in the body. It is responsible for regulating enzyme reactions (including reactions that create RDN and DNA), transporting essential ions across our cell membranes, assisting in the production of ATP and much more. All of our major organs require magnesium to function properly, and without it our bodies would spiral out of control.

Despite its biological importance, however, the average person is seriously lacking in magnesium. In fact, according to the American Chiropractic Society, an estimated 68 to 80 percent of the American population suffers from a magnesium deficiency -- a state of affairs which, if left untreated, can contribute to serious medical conditions such as osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.(1) Consequently, it's important that we all familiarize ourselves with the warning signs of a deficiency.

While the five conditions listed below are not the only signs associated with a lack of magnesium, they are by far the most common. If you suffer from these issues on a regular basis, consider taking a magnesium supplement (and eating more magnesium-rich whole foods, such as nuts and leafy green vegetables) and see if they subside.

Muscle cramping and twitchingThere's a good reason why magnesium is found in sleep supplements and used to ease women in labor; magnesium is the mineral that allows our muscles to relax. When we are deficient in it, we begin to suffer from muscle-related issues such as cramping, twitching and facial tics. In the most extreme cases, the twitching and cramping can contribute to chronic insomnia.(2)

Abnormal heart contractionsLow magnesium levels also have a negative impact on our heart muscles. According to a study published in the German journal Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, magnesium helps maintain regular muscle contractions in the heart. When we're lacking in it, we begin to suffer from cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats), which increases our risk of heart attacks and strokes.(3)

Depression and low moodsOver a century ago, it was common for doctors to prescribe magnesium supplements to patients suffering from depression. Today, the link between insufficient magnesium intake and low moods has been somewhat forgotten, even though numerous studies reinforce it. For example, a review published in the journal Pharmacological Reports in 2013 concluded that magnesium supplements were effective at managing depression.(4)

Ringing in the earsTinnitus is an unpleasant condition characterized by a persistent ringing or booming sensation in the ears. Though tinnitus is sometimes caused by infection, it can also be caused by unregulated production of glutamate, an important neurotransmitter that magnesium helps regulate. Therefore, instances of tinnitus in otherwise healthy ear canals could be caused by low magnesium levels.(5)

Kidney stonesMost people believe that kidney stones are caused by an excess of calcium. However, ongoing research continues to show that a lack of magnesium plays an equal, if not greater, role in kidney stone formation, and that taking magnesium supplements can help treat them. For example, a study featured in The Journal of Urology showed that patients treated with magnesium hydroxide experienced decreased recurrence rates of renal calcium stones.(6) Therefore, if you're suffering from kidney stones, see if increasing your magnesium intake helps.


Farmacêutica filial japonesa da Novartis condenada por não ter informado a tempo as autoridades dos EFEITOS SECUNDÁRIOS GRAVES em tratamentos contra o cancro!!!

Uma filial da empresa farmacêutica suíça Novartis foi condenada hoje a uma suspensão de atividade de 15 dias, por não ter informado a tempo as autoridades dos efeitos secundários graves em tratamentos contra o cancro, anunciou o governo japonês.

Esta é a primeira sanção do gênero aplicada a um laboratório farmacêutico condenado por esta falha, segundo o Ministério da Saúde.

"A Novartis Pharma não poderá vender os seus medicamentos de prescrição entre 05 e 19 de março, à exceção de cinco produtos para os quais não existem genéricos ou cuja ausência teria consequências muito prejudiciais para os doentes", informou o ministério em comunicado.

A medida disciplinar inédita é devido ao facto de a empresa não ter declarado atempadamente 3.264 casos de efeitos colaterais para um total de 26 produtos, o que representa uma violação do código que rege o setor.

O grupo tinha reconhecido os factos no final do ano passado e tinha já recebido uma "ordem de melhoria das suas atividades", depois de um primeiro relatório parcial sobre as falhas.


quinta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2015

What's really in vaccines? Proof of MSG, formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury!!!

(NaturalNews) Have you ever wondered what's really in vaccines? According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control's vaccine additives page, all the following ingredients are routinely used as vaccine additives:

• Aluminum - A light metal that causes dementia and Alzheimer's disease. You should never inject yourself with aluminum.

• Antibiotics - Chemicals that promote superbugs, which are deadly antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria that are killing tens of thousands of Americans every year.

Formaldehyde - A "pickling" chemical used to preserve cadavers. It's highly toxic to the nervous system, causing blindness, brain damage and seizures. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services openly admits that formaldehyde causes cancer. You can see this yourself on the National Toxicology Program website, featuring its 12th Report on Carcinogens.
There, the formaldehyde Fact Sheet completely neglects to mention formaldehyde in vaccines. This is the "dirty little secret" of government and the vaccine industry. It does state, however, that "...formaldehyde causes myeloid leukemia, and rare cancers including sinonasal and nasopharyngeal cancer."

• Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) - A neurotoxic chemical called an "excitotoxin." It causes brain neurons to be overexcited to the point of death. MSG is toxic even when consumed in foods, where it causes migraine headaches and endocrine system damage. You should NEVER inject MSG into your body. But that's what health workers do when they inject you with vaccines.
• Thimerosal - A methyl mercury compound that causes severe, permanent nervous system damage. Mercury is highly toxic to the brain. You should never touch, swallow or inject mercury at any dose. There is no safe dose of mercury! Doctors and vaccinepushers LIE to you and say there is no mercury in vaccines. Even the CDC readily admits vaccine still contain mercury (thimerosal).

In addition, National Toxicology Programs admits in its own documents that:

• Vaccinations "...may produce small but measurable increases in blood levels of mercury."

• "Thimerosal was found to cross the blood-brain and placenta barriers."

• The "...hazards of thimerosal include neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity." (This means brain and kidney toxicity.)

• "...similar toxicological profiles between ethylmercury and methylmercury raise the possibility that neurotoxicity may also occur at low doses of thimerosal."

• "... there are no existing guidelines for safe exposure to ethylmercury, the metabolite of thimerosal."

• "...the assessment determined that the use of thimerosal as a preservative in vaccines might result in the intake of mercury during the first six months of life that exceeded recommended guidelines from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)..."

• ..."In the U.S., thimerosal is still present as preservative in some vaccines given to young children, as well as certain biological products recommended during pregnancy. Thimerosal remains a preservative in some vaccines administered to adolescents and adults. In addition, thimerosal continues to be used internationally as a vaccine preservative."

The report then goes on to say that the FDA studies thimerosal and somehow found it to be perfectly safe. It also states that vaccine manufactures are "working" to remove thimerosal from vaccines, but in reality it's still being manufactured right into the vaccines.

By the way, this report also reveals that the FDA requires preservatives like thimerosal only in so-called "multi-dose" vaccines -- vials that contain more than one dose of the vaccine. Drug companies could, if they wanted to, produce "clean" single-dose vaccines without any mercury / thimerosal. But they choose not to because it's more profitable to product mercury-containing multi-dose vaccines. As the report admits, "Preservatives are not required for products formulated in singledose vials. Multidose vials are preferred by some physicians and health clinics because they are often less expensive per vaccine dose and require less storage space."

So the reason why your child is being injected with vaccine boils down to health care offices making more money and saving shelf space!

"Mercury in vaccines is a conspiracy theory!

I've been told by numerous "skeptics" and doctors that there's no such thing as mercury in vaccines, and that any such suggestion is nothing more than a "wild conspiracy theory." That just goes to show you how ignorant all the skeptics, doctors and health professionals really are: They have NO CLUE what's in the vaccines they're dishing out to people!

All they have to do is visit this CDC vaccine additives web page, which openly admits to these chemicals being used in vaccines right now. It's not a conspiracy theory, it turns out. It's the status quo of modern-day vaccine manufacturing!

And just in case the CDC removes that page, here's a screen shot, taken October 22, 2012, showing exactly what was on the CDC vaccine additives page:

Feel that headache after a vaccine? That's the feeling of chemicals eating your brain

Now, consider this: The most common side effect of a vaccine injection is a headache. The CDC admits that over 30 percent of those receiving vaccines experience headaches or migraines. Gee, think about it: What could possibly be in vaccines that would cause headaches, migraines and brain damage?

Ummm, how about the mercury, the formaldehyde, the aluminum and the MSG!

Even if you believe in the theory of vaccines as a helpful way to train the immune system to recognize pathogens, why would anyone -- especially a doctor -- think it's okay to inject human beings with mercury, MSG, formaldehyde and aluminum?

The argument of the vaccine pushers is that each vaccine only contains a tiny dose of these highly toxic substances, and therefore it's okay to be injected with them. But this argument makes a fatal error: U.S. children are now receiving over twenty vaccines by the time they're six years old! What's the cumulative effect of all these vaccines, plus the mercury from dental fillings and dietary sources? What's the effect of injected mercury on an immune-suppressed child living in a state of chronic nutritional deficiency?

Scientists don't know that answer because such studies have never been conducted. So they pretend that nothing bad will happen and keep pushing more and more vaccines on infants, children and even expectant mothers. They're playing Russian roulette with our children, in other words, where every injection could cause a seizure, coma, autism or death.

Why doesn't the vaccine industry offer "clean" vaccines free from all toxic additives?

If vaccines are supposed to be good for you, why do they contain so many additives that are BAD for you? You wouldn't want to eat mercury in your tuna fish. You wouldn't want MSG in your sandwich, and you certainly wouldn't want formaldehyde in your soda. So why would you allow yourself to be injected with these deadly substances?

And just as importantly, why wouldn't the vaccine industry offer CLEAN vaccines? Without any brain-damaging additives?

Think about it: When you buy health food, you want that health food to have NO mercury, NO MSG, NO aluminum and certainly no formaldehyde. No sane person would knowingly eat those neurotoxic poisons. And yet, astonishingly, those same people literally line up to be INJECTED with those exact same brain-damaging poisons, with the justification that, somehow, "This injection is good for me!"

Absurdly, the vaccine industry says these toxic ingredients are intentionally added to vaccines to make them work better! Yes, that's the reason: Mercury makes vaccines work better, they insist. Click here to see a video news report actually claiming mercury makes vaccines work better, granting children "improved behavior and mental performance."

No, I'm not making this up. The mainstream media literally claims that mercury is GOOD for babies. Vitamins might kill you, they say, but mercury is good for you!

But hold on a second: I thought the theory behind vaccines was that weakened viruses would give the immune system a rehearsal so that it would build up antibodies to the real thing. Where does mercury, MSG or formaldehyde fit anywhere in that theory? Does your body benefit in any way from exposure to formaldehyde? Of course not. The very idea is ludicrous.

So are there such things are clean vaccines? I challenge you to try to find one. They simply don't exist for the population at large. Nearly all vaccines for the masses are deliberately formulated with neurotoxic chemicals that have absolutely nothing to do with the science of vaccinations, but everything to do with autism, Alzheimer's disease, early-onset dementia, immune suppression, and the mass dumbing down of brain function.

Vaccines are designed with chemical additives to poison the population, not to protect the population

That's the real purpose of vaccines: Not to "protect children" with any sort of immunity, but to inject the masses with a toxic cocktail of chemicals that cause brain damage and infertility: Mercury, MSG, formaldehyde and aluminum. The whole point of this is to dumb the population down so that nobody has the presence of mind to wake up and start thinking for themselves.

This is precisely why the smartest, most "awake" people still remaining in society today are the very same ones who say NO to vaccines. Only their brains are still intact and operating with some level of awareness.

The system wants you to stay dumbed down, of course. It makes you easier to control. Watch George Carlin brilliantly explain the concept of "Obedient Workers" (explicit):


If vaccines work so well, then why does the science have to be FAKED?

vaccine(NaturalNews) There are no "whistleblowers" in the organic food world that all of the sudden "confess" that the power of organic food is some horrible lie and that all the tests for health and safety were faked by leading researchers and scientists. That hasn't happened, isn't happening and won't happen. Why? Because nutrition works, and chemical medicines don't, relatively speaking. In the vaccine world, there are more than a handful of leading researchers who have blown the whistle, on videotape and in the court rooms of America, that vaccine safety is not tested and results must be faked in order to get government contracts for hundreds of millions of dollars.Top Merck scientists have blown the whistle about crooked scientists who spike the tests on MMR vaccines with rabbit antibodies and lie that the measles vaccine has a 95% efficacy rate, when the results would have been FAR LOWER.

Why does the research need to be faked, altered, twisted and simply made up out of thin air? This is supposed to be research for disease control and the kind of diseases that spread easily among dense populations. The most ironic part of the whole discussion about vaccine safety and efficacy is that the people who argue about the advancement of science and virology are the very same people who get flu shots yearly and all of the scheduled vaccines, including booster shots, and they HAVE NOT EVER read the insert sheet that the nurse or doctor MUST show you -- that is, if you ask.

If vaccines work so well, then why do they have to print on the insert that "there have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL." People will argue with you vehemently to defend this nonsense. People think anything approved by the FDA or CDC is backed by evidence, but it's not, and they're even telling you in writing that it's NOT tested. Imagine arguing with some relative, coworker or friend over whether vaccines work or not, and the person arguing FOR vaccines and for flu shots had to read the insert -- the truth in writing straight from their "manufacturer" -- perhaps FLULAVAL. They admit on the insert, "Safety and effectiveness of FLULAVAL in pediatric patients have not been established." "Safety and effectiveness" have not been established. Really? Still, people have been brainwashed for decades. People have been scared to death, you could say literally, by some specific and rare cases of kids who got paralyzed by polio or died from measles or chickenpox. Yes, the diseases can be serious, but the propaganda makes it seem like the norm, and if you don't run to get all those vaccines (30 to 50) in your first 20 years of life, then you'll be SUSCEPTIBLE and probably infect "the herd" that's supposedly all immune already thanks to vaccines!

Formaldehyde is used to embalm dead people

Formaldehyde is listed on most flu shot and vaccine inserts. Formaldehyde is highly toxic to ALL animals, regardless of method of intake, whether eaten or injected. Period. Vaccine manufacturers use terms to trick people, saying formaldehyde is necessary to "weaken" the virus, but what they are doing is WEAKENING HUMANS. Make no mistake: Inject enough formaldehyde and mercury into babies and children in their first six years of lifeand you've got an autism and/or dementia epidemic. Formaldehyde is a "pickling" chemical used to preserve cadavers -- so toxic, it can cause blindness, brain damage and seizures.

Consider the dangers of formaldehyde and methanol BOTH entering the body. What happens when you get that formaldehyde from the flu shot in your muscle tissue and then eat food containing methanol? There's methanol in the food supply. Check diet foods/drinks with aspartame! Check that smoked fish and meat. Check cigarettes. The basic form of formaldehyde is a gas. The liquid is actually a mixture of water with formaldehyde gas. To prevent polymerization, they add methyl alcohol. The result is formalin. The terms . "The inhalation of formaldehyde gas in even small quantities is followed by bronchitis and pneumonia. Pneumonia is due to the inhalation of the gas and not to secondary infection. ... The injection of formalin or the inhalation of the vapors of formaldehyde produces cloudy swelling of the parenchyma of the kidney. Focal necrosis may result," reads a scientific article published in . "Pneumonia and bronchitis are found in all animals after the injection of formalin."

Thimerosal dangers are UNTESTED by the CDC, yet mercury is one of the most deadly toxins on planet Earth. Thimerosal, a form of mercury, is listed on most flu shot and vaccine inserts. Read it for yourself. The Health Ranger tested the flu vaccine for heavy metals and found 25,000 times higher mercury levels than the EPA's limit for water! Sorry, but putting THAT in vaccines is NOT disease prevention. Aluminum is also listed on most flu shot and vaccine inserts. Aluminum is also found in vaccines and is known to cause Alzheimer's disease. It's no wonder people have nervous system disorders and dementia.

What food is YOUR medicine, because all of this UNTESTED chemical medicine is an insane "shot in the dark!"


segunda-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2015

BURN: Health Impacts of Sunscreen Found to be Worse Than UV Damage!

It has long been known that sunscreen products are detrimental to our health. But how bad? 

And what is worse: 

UV damage, chemical sunscreens or mineral sunscreens? Would there be any alternative ways to protect the skin against UV rays, without necessarily hiding behind an umbrella all day?

sunshineSafe sun protection seems like another topic overloaded with information, where nothing seems quite clear. This article makes sense of the whole issue by gathering independent scientific data from worldwide sources and linking it to how your body reacts to sunscreen ingredients and UV rays. While undertaking this research, we’ve even discovered alternative and natural ways to protect your skin against UV rays!
Over the past decade, dozens of studies from third-party scientific groups have examined the potential health hazards of sunscreen chemicals that permeate the skin. Sunscreen’s active ingredients are present in large concentrations in order to filter UVA and UVB rays, and their repeated application over large portions of the skin means that the body absorbs high concentrations of toxic chemicals. Sunscreen ingredients are well known to cause poisoning, hormone disruption, degenerative changes in cells of the skin, DNA damage, free-radical generation leading to premature ageing, a compromised immune system and increased risk of melanoma.
The Environmental Working Group writes:
“The ideal sunscreen would completely block UV rays that cause sunburn, immune suppression and damaging free radicals. It would remain effective on the skin for several hours. It would not form harmful ingredients when degraded by sunlight. It would smell and feel pleasant so that people would use more of it. No sunscreen meets these goals. Consumers must choose between “chemical” sunscreens, which have inferior stability, penetrate the skin and may disrupt the body’s hormone system, and “mineral” sunscreens, made with zinc and titanium, often “micronized” or containing nano-particles.”
Chemical Sunscreens
Chemical sunscreens deserve special awareness, as they are known to permeate the skin. Chemical sunscreens typically include a combination of three to six of these active ingredients: oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate and octinoxate.
Laboratory studies indicate that these chemicals break down when exposed to sunlight, mimicking estrogen and disrupting the body’s hormone (endocrine) system.[1] Research suggests that oxybenzone, 4-MBC and octinoxate are also toxic to human reproductive systems and interfere with normal development.[2]
In North-America, oxybenzone is found in 80 percent of chemical sunscreens. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has detected oxybenzone in more than 96 percent of the U.S. population, with higher concentrations found during the summer months.[3] Other studies have detected common sunscreen chemicals in breast milk, which affects the normal development of fetuses and newborns.[4]
Furthermore, a United States FDA report entitled ‘Medications that Increase Sensitivity to Light’ indicates that many agents commonly used in chemical sunscreens – including benzophenones, PABA, cinnamates, salicylates, anthranilates, PSBA, mexenone, and oxybenzone – increase photosensitivity or have photo-reactive agents in them. This means that applying these chemicals to your body during periods of sun exposure actually heightens the body’s reactivity to UV radiation and increases the risk of skin cancer.

Mineral Sunscreens

In the mainstream media, mineral sunscreens are portrayed as the safe alternative to chemical sunscreens. In fact, once exposed to sunlight, mineral filters such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide have been found to undergo a chemical reaction that releases free radicals in the body, damaging surrounding cells. Free radicals cause cell and DNA damage, premature ageing and increase the risk of skin cancer.
According to the environmental working group, “mineral sunscreen could pose a risk of skin damage if manufacturers do not select forms that are coated with inert chemicals to reduce photoactivity”. In other words, they use chemicals to alter the hazardous effects of mineral filters breaking down in sunlight. This is a problem: there is absolutely no research on chemicals used to reduce the photoreactivity of mineral sunscreens.
Additionally, mineral filters release carcinogenic nanoparticles one-twentieth the thickness of a human hair. Nanoparticles are not properly regulated, allowing manufacturers to cheap out on quality and safety[5].  These particles are volatile; they can lodge in the lungs, reach the bloodstream and extensively damage living cells and internal organs.[6] On top of it all, nanoparticles also react to UV rays faster, increasing the amount of free radicals produced and drastically increasing UV damage in the body.
Additionally, sunscreen nano-ingredients have been shown to damage ecosystems as they accumulate in the food chain, disrupting hormones of animals and humans.[7]  The environmental impact of nanoparticle pollution has not been sufficiently assessed, but experts suspect that nanoparticles are highly prone to bioaccumulation[8].
Beware of false claims. Mineral sunscreens are commonly advertised as the “safe” alternative to chemical sunscreens, but their chemical content is un-regulated and un-tested. Some other commonly misleading claims are products advertised as “non-nano” titanium dioxide and zinc oxide: all mineral sunscreens must be delivered in nanoparticle form to efficiently block UV rays.

Understanding the Health Effects of UV Rays

Wearing sunscreen and avoiding sunburns does not mean your skin is adequately protected.
UVA and UVB rays have very distinct properties when interacting with the skin. UVA rays damage skin cells called keratinocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis, where most skin cancers occur. They penetrate deeper into skin tissue where they release free radicals, damaging DNA and skin cells, promoting skin aging and causing skin cancer.
UVB rays stimulate the production of new melanin and a thicker epidermis, which are your body’s natural defense against UVA damage. They also cause sunburns, which are the body’s natural warning and protection system against UVA damage.
UVB rays are necessary to build the precursors to vitamin D in the skin[10]. Vitamin D is a hormone essential to calcium absorption, promoting bone health. It is also essential to a strong immune system and helps protect against breast, colon, kidney and ovarian cancer. About one-fourth of North-Americans have low levels of vitamin D[11], which has been associated with increased cardiovascular mortality, colon cancer mortality, breast cancer, skin cancer, metabolic disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, upper respiratory tract infections and other microbe-caused infections[12].
Basically, for a sun protection lotion to be effective, it should block cancer-causing UVAs while allowing healing UVBs to interact with the skin.
Ironically, sunscreens create the opposite effect of what they are designed for. They block UVBs and allow harmful UVAs to penetrate deeper into the skin.
By focusing both their products and advertising campaigns on UVB protection, sunscreen companies are, at best, selling their consumers a false sense of safety. Remarkably, regulators like the FDA continue to allow these chemicals to be sold as ‘sun protection’, despite the known risks associated with both chemical and mineral sunscreens.
Blocking UVB absorption neutralizes the body’s natural UVA defense mechanisms and impedes vitamin D to naturally build in the body. Most sunscreens further enhance the damage produced by UVA rays by separating it from its ultraviolet particle UVB, allowing UVA rays to penetrate deeper into the skin, reaching connective tissues and blood vessels. It is also common for sunscreens to contain anti-inflammatory chemicals that can prevent the skin from burning, creating a false sense of security where users wrongly assume they are being adequately protected from the harmful effects of UV rays (which include free radical release and DNA damage).
“One study of three common sunscreen ingredients found that after one hour of UV-exposure, the number of free radicals on sunscreen-treated skin was actually higher than on untreated skin.”[13]
“Experts caution that the unintentional exposure to and toxicity of active ingredients erodes the benefits of sunscreens.”[14]
Quite simply, sunscreens inhibit the innate intelligence of our skin cells. On one hand, they neutralize UVB rays, which are the body’s natural defense system against UVA damage. On the other hand, they enable harmful UVA rays to penetrate deeper into the body. With so much misinformation in the public sphere, it is no wonder skin cancer rates are sky-rocketing!

The Sun and its Healing Powers

The sun, a dynamic source of life-sustaining energy, is truly one of the most powerful healing therapies in the world. And it is free, which is probably why nobody is promoting it! Here are some of the healing benefits of the sun:
  • Helps fight cancer in conjunction with whole foods
  • Heals skin disorders such as psoriasis, acne, eczema and fungal infections of the skin
  • Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Cleanses the blood and increases oxygen content as it penetrates deep into the skin
  • Builds a strong the immune system as white blood cells increase with sun exposure
  • Body’s primary source of vitamin D
  • Treats depression

Natural Ways to Avoid Sun Damage

There are many ways to avoid skin damage and burning without the damaging affects of sunscreen:
1. Stay hydrated. Your skin is more likely to burn if you are dehydrated, so drink lots of water..
2. Naturally increase your skin’s resistance to UV rays by gradually exposing it to the morning sun for short periods of time. You will be less likely to burn, and you will reap the health benefits of increased Vitamin D. Avoid prolonged mid-day exposures.
3. Avoid sunglasses. The optical nerve in the eyes sends signals to the hypothalamus. The gland has the ability to adjust the skin’s resistance to UV rays on the basis of how much light your eyes receive.
4. Sunburn is caused by oxidation of the skin cells. Eat colorful foods – they are high in antioxidants and you will support the body to counteract the effects of sunburn.
5. Cleanse your liver of toxins and heavy metals as they play a major role in UV protection. Adding zeolite to your diet is a safe and powerful way to detox the body.
6. Apply micronized zeolite to your skin. Easily absorbed, it assists the skin to build and strengthen its own natural UV and UVA defense, healing and processing mechanisms. Zeolite does not deter beneficial UV rays from entering the skin, it protects against DNA damage, protecting your skin and cell membranes at the cellular level. Try out SunSheer from EarthSun, an organic zeolite cream with a protection level comparable to a sunscreen SPF 50.
As you can see, independent scientific data shows that sunscreens are actually counter-productive to their purpose, inhibiting the innate intelligence of our skin cells, neutralizing beneficial UVB rays and increasing the harmful effects of UVA radiation. Thankfully nature has provided some simple and natural ways to protect our skin from UV rays without the damaging affects of conventional sunscreens. For more information, please visit me at Earth for the Sun.
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sábado, 21 de fevereiro de 2015

Marijuana Compound Found Superior To Drugs For Alzheimer’s

Could the active ingredient in marijuana, responsible for its characteristic “high,” help turn the tide against the accelerating Alzheimer’s epidemic?
A remarkable study published in the journal Molecular Pharmacology in 2006, found that this long vilified plant contains a compound with not one, but two therapeutic properties ideal for addressing both the surface symptom (memory problems) and root cause (brain plaque) of Alzheimer’s disease. [i]  This is an ironic finding, considering that the prevailing stereotype is that using marijuana “fries” the brain, leading to debilitating memory issues.
Researchers discovered that the psychoactive component of marijuana, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), both “competitively inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) as well as prevents AChE-induced amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) aggregation.”
On the first account, THC’s ability to inhibit the AChE enzyme, is not unlike the mechanism of action behind most Alzheimer’s drugs on the market today. Drugs like donepezil (trade name Aricept), for instance, by targeting and inhibiting the brain enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE), result in an increase in brain levels of this neurotransmitter, which in turn, results in symptom reduction, i.e. improved memory. Donepezil, however, is riddled with controversy due its well-known association with seizures, which likely reflects its intrinsic neurotoxicity.  It is, in fact, a chemical in the same general chemical class as venom, insecticides and chemical war agents, such as nerve gas.
On the second account, THC’s ability to prevent the acetylcholinesterase-associated amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) aggregation, i.e. brain plaque, indicates that it may, as the researchers noted, “directly impact Alzheimer’s disease pathology.” In fact, they found “Compared to currently approved drugs prescribed for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, THC is a considerably superior inhibitor of Aβ aggregation, and this study provides a previously unrecognized molecular mechanism through which cannabinoid molecules may directly impact the progression of this debilitating disease.”
What is so encouraging about this research, and which the researchers described as “noteworthy,” is the following:
THC is a considerably more effective inhibitor of AChE-induced Aβ deposition than the approved drugs for Alzheimer’s disease treatment, donepezil and tacrine, which reduced Aβ aggregation by only 22% and 7%, respectively, at twice the concentration used in our studies. Therefore, AChE inhibitors such as THC and its analogues may provide an improved therapeutic for Alzheimer’s disease, augmenting acetylcholine levels by preventing neurotransmitter degradation and reducing Aβ aggregation, thereby simultaneously treating both the symptoms and progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
THC, of course, is only one of a wide range of cannabinoids in the plant marijuana. Not only is there already plentiful information on the neuroprotective properties of marijuana compounds, but there is also a sizeable body of clinical and/or biomedical research indicating the medicinal value of this plant in over 150 health conditions. To view this research visit our Medical Marijuana Research page.
Article Sources
[i] Lisa M Eubanks, Claude J Rogers, Albert E Beuscher, George F Koob, Arthur J Olson, Tobin J Dickerson, Kim D Janda . A molecular link between the active component of marijuana and Alzheimer’s disease pathology. Mol Pharm. 2006 Nov-Dec;3(6):773-7. PMID: 17140265